pregnancy rant

I'm on my 6th baby/7th pregnancy, last pregnancy resulted in a miscarriage. Since my 2nd pregnancy I have had horrible SPD. I also have horrible heartburn, restless legs (34wks), headaches, swelling, random nausea sometimes still, emotional at times, tons of BH, insomnia but soooo soooo tired, I'm at my highest weight I've ever weighed- so some insecurities sometimes, baby is low & has been low the entire pregnancy & my SO made the comment about how he's annoyed of listening to me complain. Like I'm sorry I'm uncomfortable, I didn't realize I shouldn't vent about it... 😔 Made me feel bad. Guys just think it's so easy & it's really not!!! I've been thinking about getting a journal so I can just start expressing my feelings through that so I'm not bottling up any emotions (not just pregnancy related) but wasn't sure if that sounds stupid? I don't know, i guess I'm just hoping I'm not alone in feeling this way & that I'm not being as dramatic as he makes me feel....