BIG & Breech Baby Boy! Anyone?


I’m 37 + 5 days and having a baby boy 👦💙. Due November 20th. I went to the doctor’s yesterday and they did an ultrasound because I am measuring big. He is already estimated to be 7 lbs 11 oz. Anyone else experience having a bigger baby? My daughter was 7 lbs 11 oz at birth (on her due date.) Also, the ultrasound showed he is Breech. The doctor told me I could go to the hospital & they would attempt to flip him ; he said this works about 50% of the time or I can just schedule a c-section @ 39 weeks. My husband and I decided to opt the flipping and just schedule a c- section & hope he flips. Due to the fact he is on the bigger side, I’m assuming it will be harder for him to flip at this point. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I’ve been up googling Breech babies and I am super worried 😟 Has anyone else had to have a c-section due to their baby being Breech?