Relationship trouble

I just need to rant. I know this sounds so stupid, but I have 2 kids with my husband and I want a third child.. always have. My husband and I have a great relationship about 30% of the time, but when it’s bad, it’s BAD. He is very emotionally abusive and doesn’t help with Anything other than go to work and come home and sleep. He sleeps on all his off days, the entire day, and screams at me if I even ask him to

Do anything. The only things I ask him to do are haul the trash to the dump once every week or so, fix things if they break(only if I have been unsuccessful myself at fixing them), and clean up after himself (dishes in sink, laundry in hamper, rinse hair out of sink after shaving, etc) I get fed up when he doesn’t do any of this no matter how much I beg and I am very outspoken and yell at him all the time for never caring or listening. His dad has very severe manic depression and anger issues which he exhibits symptoms to have as well. I am very impatient, so that doesn’t help the situation. I just want there to be a way for us to be happy together. Everything I ask for, I have to bribe him.. he won’t help with the kids and uses the excuse “you wanted them” he tells me all the time that I’m a piece of shit that doesn’t do anything. I literally take him lunch daily.. I have gotten our toddler up from a nap, loaded the kids in the car in pouring rain, and brought him food countless times. I do all the housework, cooking, tending to kids and dogs, bill paying, grocery shopping, all of it. I will take the kids with me grocery shopping (while he’s home asleep on the couch) bring them home and put them up by myself while he lays there. I want a third child so badly, and his number one thing all the time is “and you want another kid? Fuck no! I ain’t never giving you one” every time he’s mad. I know it’s dumb to want another child with him, but I don’t want to start over and find someone else then marry and have another child years down the road. I am almost 30 😞 I know this is a rant about all sorts of random mess, but I guess I just need to know if I really shouldn’t expect praise and respect for that kind of stuff or if he really does have an issue. Ugh