Sore boobs ttc

I haven’t had a period since July 24th, and my and hubby are ttc. I stopped taking bc pills in June. I just went to the gynecologist four days ago where she did a urine pregnancy test which was negative. They are wanting to start me on provera to induce a period. A couple weeks ago I was getting some small cramps that would come and go on one side of my stomach. Two days ago I had cramps that felt just like period cramps and lasted most of the day I was sure I would start but haven’t yet. This morning my boobs started feeling really sore when I touch them which isn’t something I’ve ever had as a pms symptom. Yesterday I started having so much creamy white CM that I thought I was bleeding and when to the bathroom to check and it’s been heavy when I wipe for several days. Is this possibly my body getting back on track? Has anyone else experienced anything like this ? Just wondering if maybe this is my body getting ready to start again naturally.