It's getting over bearing with all the same threads asking if they're pregnant!! Stop nit picking every little "symptom".. It's most likely in your head. Cervical mucus and cervix positioning are not liable pregnancy symptoms.. Only useful for checking ovulation.. Any other "symptom" you're having.. headaches, cramps, fatigue, nausea, breast tenderness.. It happens.. Stop asking if you are and just take a damn test. It's really not that hard. You're doing absolutely nothing but giving yourself false hope.. In the case that you test please wait until the day of your period at least because those "I got a BFN at 5dpo can I still be pregnant" threads are just as obnoxious.

No I'm not being a bitch, I'm being honest. I've been there and over analyzed everything and always thought I was pregnant.. Wasted $20 a month on tests and the 2 times I was actually pregnant I didn't have a single symptom other than no show from aunt flow.. Just never realize how damn annoying it is until it's the only thing on this app anymore.