Finally over

Good morning ladies. I’m just feeling so lost and broken right now. My boyfriend of two years has decided he doesn’t want to be together anymore. I thought everything was fine between us but Friday he dropped a bomb on me telling me that he’s losing feelings for me because of how “I haven’t changed” and I “don’t do anything”. I start a new job full time next week, when the pandemic happened I lost my job. I know that I’ve let myself go these last couple of months but it hurts me to know that he’s ready to throw our relationship away over some not so easy couple of months. I know I have things to work on as we all do. I can be insecure or maybe a bit needy and have a hard time letting things go but I don’t feel it’s at all excessive or to the point where we should be breaking up over it. I feel Pathetic. I begged for him to please just think about things but his mind is so made up. I told him I would change and be more productive but he says “he can’t do this anymore” and He wants to “find himself and do his own thing” I never knew he felt things were so bad. I always try communicating with him and he always tells me everything is fine but than he drops this bomb on me. I know ppl think “how can you not know it was bad?” But I really didn’t know. We’re happy and he comes home happy and we talk and laugh. There was literally nothing there to show me he felt this way or any indication that he wanted to break up! It makes me feel upset that he’s felt this way towards me and hasn’t communicated it. The first time he communicates how he feels it’s him telling me what he really thinks and wanting to break up. I’m so sad guys my hearts broken I have no idea how I’m going to go on being without him. He is my everything I’ve given this man my all. My absolute all. Every wrong thing he’s ever done to me I’ve forgiven him and worked through it and now look he can’t work through this rough patch with me. I feel like everything is my fault. I let myself go and now he’s gone. I should’ve tried harder. I should’ve showed I cared more. I should’ve left the bad things in the past that hes done instead of bringing them up sometimes. It’s all my fault. He’s always tried being consistent and I let the past affect us sometimes and let me not being happy with myself affect us. It’s all my fault! He says I’m too emotional for him. Soooo many things he told me that I never knew he felt before. Ladies how am I going to pick myself up and move on it seems impossible I love him. It hurts so bad that he is absolutely done and the excuses he’s given me just don’t seem enough to throw away our whole relationship over. I moved for him. I took care of his father when he had cancer. I was there for his mother when his dad left her. I’ve always been there for him. Always. I would’ve never given up on us like he has. Idk I just don’t understand.