Possible miscarriage? Need advice badly!


Hi everyone I am stuck in another state 5 hours away from my home. 3 weeks ago I confirmed pregnancy with an at home test. The following week I started a light pink to red tinged bleeding. I went to the emergency room and they confirmed I was pregnant with a urine test as well. They said I had a UTI and that was probably why I was bleeding. Gave me antibiotics and sent me on my way. That night I had awful cramps and started to bleed heavily, the next night was horrible as well..lots of clots and bleeding way heavier than any period I've had before. Im struggling to find an OB out here who can help me until I can return home for Thanksgiving. I am still testing very positive on the tests though. The lines are not faint. The bleeding has stopped. If you were in my shoes what would you do? Should I just stop worrying and see the OB in a few weeks at home? Or should I go back to the ER. I will add they were not very helpful told me there is very high protocol for getting an ultrasound. Even when I explained how heavy I was bleeding, it seems odd to me! I have stopped bleeding as of 3 days ago here is my most recent test, from a few mins ago.