Idk what to think.

🦖Meg🦕 • It’s time, I am ready. After several miscarriages, one ectopic & finally one pregnancy that made it to term. We have waited a few years before even thinking about it. Now We are ready! TTC for #2.
So the other day I told my husband something and as I led up to the point (in hind sight I kinda did lead it on as if I was about to tell him I was pregnant) "Honey I found out somethi today..." He completely froze like ice, eyes widened, face lost color and he had this look of panic. So I finished what I had to say about lemons v. lemon juice you buy. I thought about his reaction all night till I asked why he reacted like that and he tells me "I thought you was going to tell me you are pregnant" he kind of chuckles uncomfortablely "it scared me; were in no position to be having a baby." He left it at that. I don't know if I should be hurt or sad or what. We have been trying and he has never said he didn't want to or he wanted to stop trying. We always agreed that if we waited till we were uber ready or able we would never have kids. So it was never a problem before. Now I'm overthinking having kids at all; should we? It's getting crowded in my head.Can anyone help me understand what I should be feeling or do? I'm at loss here. 

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