Does anyone else feel like they do more for their baby than their SO?

My husband is so annoying lately. I feel like I do 90% of the parenting for my baby and he isn't that engaged. He has moments he plays with my son but for the most part he doesn't give my son his attention for more than 20 minutes. He gets mad if he has to tell my son "no" over two times in a row and claims It's "my turn" when he doesn't want to get up anymore to get my son to stop doing something. I feed him, nap him, soothe him etc. I'm a SAHM so I am aware I do more during the weekdays but on weekends and after my husband gets off work I'm still doing the majority of things. It's almost like my husband just... doesn't get it. He doesn't get when my son gets upset he

Might be hungry or is tired and instead just brings him to me to fix the issue.

My son actually won't even let my husband nap him or soothe him when he is upset or tired because my husband rarely does any of that so he never wants my husband for comfort, just play.

I'm pregnant with #2 and I'm growing increasingly annoyed. My husband claims he helps as much as he can and just doesn't understand what I'm talking about when I try talking to him! I'm not sure how to make him see my point. He just thinks it's normal. I can't even leave the house for more than an hour and only in between nap times and bedtime since I'm the only one that can put him to sleep, yet my husband goes and hunts 10 hours in a row on the weekends. So annoying!!

Anyways- sorry for the rant. I'm just over feeling like parenting isn't 50/50.