Out of the running, again.

So first off, I know I’m being a bitch and I don’t need anyone to comment it. I’m fed up, disappointed, and upset, just let me rant.

I’m finally ovulating, after months of nothing! Partner had a migraine yesterday so obviously no sex, today he’s feeling down and I’m back to work tonight after holiday time off so he’s upset about that (I’m sat here miserable aswell but I have to try cheer him up) so that means no sex. He’ll not be in the mood tomorrow because he’ll be miserable at the thought of all day on his own while I sleep. Then he’s at work three days and doesn’t like having sex on a work night because he gets too tired.

So that’s that. My first ovulation in about four months and he can’t just suck it up and have sex even once. And trying to get him in the mood will not work, I’ve tried dressing up, teasing him, even telling him I’m in the mood and trying to tempt him and it won’t work, he gets in this stupid mindset and won’t try get himself out of it.