What did you do to get through sleep regression?

Madison • 21 . Mila Rose 🌹 06/09/18 . 1 loss 👼 . Santiago Cruz 07/13/20 💙 Extremely blessed ♥️

LADIES, I’m so exhausted I wore my house shoes out to lunch. 🤦🏼‍♀️ I can’t even think straight.

My little guy would sleep from 9pm to 5am and then eat and sleep for another 3-4 hours but now hes waking EVERY HOUR! I can get him back to sleep pretty quick but he just keeps waking up so I’m unable to get back to sleep or get quality sleep myself. Not to mention I have a 2 year old , so please send help 😭

Or at least tell me what helped get your baby back to normal.