Who to watch child when in labor


So the husband and myself are at a standstill of who to ask for help to watch our toddler when I am in labor. Most likely will be induced again early at 38 weeks which makes it nice for planning.

Who do you ask to watch your kids when you've been in labor?

We always thought my mom would be the one and she has suffered a stroke and is paralyzed recently. This is really hitting me hard. As a stay at home mom I don't have daycare for our toddler and no one regularly helps us out.

My wish is to have either close friends of my husband and myself from childhood. We have two wonderful families I would ask that live within 1.5 hours and .5 hour away. Both have kids and have known us all our lives part of our wedding and would trust with our hyper toddler.

My husband wants his parents. His parents do not normally watch our son as they pretty much hate me. When they have watched him for a couple of hours they are exhausted and make huge deal over how tired they are. We do not allow his parents to drive with him. Husband's dad is 80 and mom is 65. Their ages scares me watching him for several days. Lastly when I had spinal surgery when my son was 4 months old my MIL asked for donations from her church to set up a room for our son at her home and tried to steal him. This was shocking and nearly destroyed our family. I was so lucky at that time my mom came every day when my husband left for work and took care of me and my infant son till I was able to lift him again.

My hormones are all over the place. Husband wants to keep putting off talking about who will care for our toddler. Which is so unlike him as we are both planners. The rest of our family although awesome people are either too old, really don't have a interest in our son, and have full time jobs.

I am open to hearing how other couples decide this big of situation. We spent 4 nights last time when my son was born so planning on a similar situation again as I am high risk. Open to some advice.