TTC Group

Disha • Message me if you want to be a part of a group that feels like home. 💖

***Update #4: We have 40+ members now!! We have even more channels than before. 3 BFPs so far and counting! If you are Type A when it comes to TTC and you want to share everything you know, this is the group for that. If you are a TTC beginner and you need some guidance, there is always a group leader online who can talk to you one on one WHENEVER you have questions or need advice. And if you're in the grey area, you'll be an expert in no time. We are a multicultural group and no matter who you are or where you are from, you will find your TTC home with us. PM me for the invite link!! Talk soon!! Mwaahhhhh. 💜💜💜***

***Update #3: We have 20 ladies in the group now. This thing is picking up fast. We even have channels for saving charts, dpo updates, line eyes for HPTs, etc... Whether you do all the things for TTC or you have a laid back approach...Whether you've been trying for 2yrs or 2months, this group is for you. Don't hesitate to reach out. I guarantee you won't regret it. Sending all the love to all of you beautiful women. Hope to see you all in the group soon!! 💜💜***

***Update #2: We have 8 in the group now and I can honestly say... If you don't have a group of girls on your side like this when you are TTC, you're doing it wrong. 🤭💜***

***UPDATE: We now officially have a group chat going in Discord. Comment below and I will send you the direct link to the chat. Much Love. 💜 ***

Is anyone looking for a group of ttc buddies to chat with? I'm wanting to get a group of us together for that extra support. 💜