Health anxiety, So Scared

Does anyone here suffer from health anxiety or hypochondria? Last year around this time mine took a downward spiral and was the worst it’s ever been, it lasted about 3ish months and I was okay again until recently. Anytime I feel a pain or sensation in my body I automatically assume I have cancer and I’m going to die. Not sure why, but that’s what my brain tells me every time. Well back in august I saw a little blueish dot on the side of my finger tip and at first, I just thought it was pen because that’s what it looked like. Tried to wash my hands, never came off. So I immediately started to panic. About a month give or take went by and I went to the doctor about it though it didn’t hurt, change or anything, however my doctor didn’t seemed concerned whatsoever. He looked at it and felt it and didn’t feel a nodule or lump and said it’s nothing bad and is absolutely benign. He said he believes it’s a blood vessel that I had possibly injured or just appeared and sometimes they happen. He said it could go away, but it could stay visible forever. That appointment was in September, all was okay until about 2-3 weeks ago when I couldn’t stop messing with it, looking at it, sometimes trying to google it. It looks like a little blue blood filled blister under a few layers of skin. It isn’t very very visible but you can see it if you’re looking for it. I’m afraid that I’ll cut myself in that spot one day and I’ll either spread cancer through my body bleed to death or something sinister like that. The thing itself isn’t a mole and it isn’t raised. I don’t know how long I originally had it until I found it. But all I know is that I’m terrified. It’s the first thought in my mind when I wake up, I look at it to see if it had changed or gotten bigger. Before going to sleep I do the same.. My finger aches sometimes, and I know anxiety can play a part in that. Ugh why anxiety why 😭😭😭😭😭