Insemination scheduled!!!

Nadira • Lesbian🌈Mom of Suehaila-Darling👼🏽& Ehsaan Nadir💙Fiancé to Crystal WillIams💕💍 TTC for baby #3

UPDATE!!! Today is day1 of insemination. We have the next3 days planned out. We’re using the syringe and soft cup method same as we did with our first. My nerves are genuinely all over the place but I believe I’m just hella anxious! Sending all you beautiful ladies tons of baby dust! WE GOT THIS!!! ✨✨✨✨✨

It’s almost that time again. My fiancé and I talked to our SD yesterday. He is set and ready for us. We start within the next 3 days! My emotions are all over the place! Anyone else trying this up and coming week?