Am I in the wrong...

Kyleigh • 23, and a mommy to 2 beautiful baby girls! Avery London born May 5th, 2016 💕 Makayla Rhae born May 27th, 2018 💕
So this girl who I've been friends with for about a year and the one who was there with me when I found out I was pregnant had gotten this new set of friends. She thought it'd be cool to talk shit about me to them and have the one girl flip out on me saying how I was talking shit on her and yada yada yada. Well I forgave her...dumbass me. Well she continuously starts fights with me over the most stupid shit. Sorry I'm pregnant and don't feel like going out half the time. Well we were supposed to go out to eat today and she texts me (after I got ready) and says "so and so wants to hangout and I told them I would" she knows me and her other friends don't get along so I got pissed. So she started a fight and I replied with "k" and she proceeds to say "don't reply back because I will bitch you out" I then got called immature and that I'm gonna make a horrible mother and so on. That set the fuse off. I told her that because of that statement, she was off my baby shower list and she said "good didn't wanna come anyways" ...uhm you're the one that begged me to come because she knows my mom doesn't like her and then says "Idgaf what your mom thinks 😂" ...I'm just sick of no good people and them finally showing their true colors. Neither me or my child will be put around those people. Sorry I just needed to rant 😑 But am I in the wrong?!