Boyfriend choosing to masturbate over having sex with you


Hey, so my boyfriend and I have been together for just over a year now, we live together and I am currently 9 weeks pregnant with his baby. Our relationship has had a lot of ups and downs but I really do love him and he makes me so happy. But. Our sex life sucks. Like, the sex is great, but there isn't much of it. Maybe once a week if im lucky and there has been multiple occasions where we go 2 or even 3 weeks without having sex. Every time he makes me wait that long he apologizes and says he will never make me wait that long again, but then it happens a couple of weeks later. Its really hard for me because my sex drive his super high. I have a vibrator and use it when he isn't in the mood so its fine, but my big issue is that he doesn't have sex with me all week but then when (like tonight) I ask for sex. Like, dress up all sexy and ask him to come fuck me, he says "I mean, maybe. I did jerk off in the bathroom at work though." So, he's refused to have sex with me all week, but will go masturbate at work instead? If he masturbates during the day, he won't have sex. His sex drive is that low. So when he does this it feels like he is choosing his right hand over me. And I dont skip over his pleasure when we have sex, ever, he gets the things he loves EVERY time we have sex even when I dont. But still he chooses to do this. When I confront him about it and ask him why he does it he just shrugs and says "its just quicker and easier than sex" so I always tell him that's okay, and I dont care that you masturbate, I do too so it doesn't bug me, but what bugs me is the fact that you do this when you know I want to have sex because its been a while. It feels like you are choosing to masturbate over having sex with me and it hurts my feelings and makes me feel bad. He just laughs it off and says it has nothing to do with me. I dont know how to deal with this anymore. No matter how hard I try to get him to understand where I am coming from he doesn't listen or doesn't understand what I am saying and its driving me absolutely crazy. I just want an active sex life with the man I love. And its not like I'm asking him to have sex with me every day all day, a couple times a week will make me happy, then at least it won't bother me if he masturbates every once in a while because it's not like he's choosing it over me. Please, has anyone else experienced this? Is it something you can fix? Is there something I can say to him that will help him understand where I am coming from?