

Hi!! I need some help figuring out how far along I am. I won’t go for my first scan until next week, and I’m super impatient. I’m also trying not to worry about my current levels.

The first day of my last period was Sept 26th. I was on my period for 10 days. My “fertile window” according to my period tracking app was Oct 13th-18th. Since we weren’t technically trying to get pregnant, I did not track when we were sexually active. With that said, though, I know for sure we had sex on Oct 28th & 31st.

I took a pregnancy test randomly on Wednesday, Nov 18th. It was positive. Then took another one that night, and it was positive. However, I wasn’t feeling well on Nov 10th, One Week prior, and my go-to is to take a test, but it was negative!

According to the first date of my last period, I am currently 8w2d along. But that just doesn’t seem right. I had my first blood draw on Thursday Nov 19th. Just got my results today, and my HCG was 837. Progesterone was 17. The nurse said by that, I’m likely around 5 weeks. We won’t know more until Wednesday, when we get the results from my blood draw today. I guess I was expecting my levels to be higher, considering I thought I was further along, according to the calculations from the first day of my last period. Am I overthinking this? I just hope that I really am 5 weeks, and my levels are within normal range. Any experts in here?! The math seems confusing and doesn’t add up to me. Thanks!