My work environment is shitty

So i lost my job during covid and finally got a retail job. I worked in the store before so it was very easy to catch up, I'm also very grateful i was able to find a job being i had been looking for month. I've been there for 2 weeks now and today i got a call from HR congratulating me for my amazing work. BUT i find myself comparing this new store to the store i ran a few year back. Everyone at this new store makes me feel like I'm back in high school down to my boss. The first day i started i was told my name sounded like someone who got bullied alot in school 🤨 WHAT? I have an African name, my adopted sister who was African named me. My boss who only works behind the senses doesn't understand the system so i offered my help a few times and his answers always you think your smarter than me 🤔 his answer are so sarcastic i never know when he's being serious. So i noticed i had to have a very firm attitude to be able to deal with this group of people or they were going to step all over me. So today my female coworkers tell me and the male coworker we need to get ready to work every weekend i said " nop i told my boss i wouldn't mind working weekends but that doesn't mean I'm working every week" her answer "ha when i applied i made it clear i wasn't working weekend you have a fiance who takes care of your kids I'm not paying a babysitter to watch mine, and whos gonna clean my house and wash me and my kids clothes" my response " my personal life has nothing to do with my availability my fiance also deserves a break and no disrespect but you just told me you live in a shelter I've lived at one aswell and i know chores are split in between everyone i go home and also need to cook and clean and wash clothe, whatever he hasn't done i need to do noone helps me do house chores" i got the side eye after that. To top it off my boss walks in today 15mins before close to ask me to do his job till Saturday because I'm the only other person who would know how to do it while he goes to take care of anotber store of his then as I'm responding to him he tells me i should learn how to speak like WDF, I'm sorry I'm naturally loud i obviously don't mean to yell. Again I'm greatful for having a job but this high school behavior i don't know if ill be able to deal with. Theres no organization, everyone give half effort, they kick customers out left and right because either they don't know how to do something or its to much work i just don't get it.

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