Nov ‘18 boy not talking yet...

Sorry this is long, I just am worried...

My son (first and only child) just turned 2 last week and he still is not talking.

He knows a handful of words and sounds, understands everything my husband and I tell him or ask him, points at what he wants, calls me (mama) to get my attention... There are no obvious red flags, hes a very happy, very energetic little guy.

My husband didn’t talk until he was closer to 3, I was talking at 18 months idk if that helps.

I am a SAHM and since COVID, he has not interacted with other children other than an occasional visit with cousins and he plays very well with them.

We read to him, talk to him, just trying so hard. Including animal sounds and sounds in general (truck engine, train horn, etc) he’s saying close to 50 words.

His pediatrician at 20 months was not concerned at all but said we will touch base at his two year checkup. So far that has been rescheduled twice due to COVID outbreaks in our area and it is not until January now. I want to do speech therapy for him but just know he will not sit in front of a screen for a zoom therapy session since most therapists I’ve researched here are only doing virtual sessions.

If you have any advice or have once been in my shoes, I’d really appreciate any information. My husband is not concerned at all but seeing friends on social media post videos of their younger kids counting to 20 and talking with two to three word phrases makes me feel awful.