
So a year ago yesterday... I swerved my ex boyfriend..and what I mean by that is we were sitting in drama class watching 101 Dalmatians it was a pretty chill day... so my best friend (sitting to my left) and my bf at the time (sitting on the right) were all just hanging out...we were huddled together sharing one big blanket my bf had his arm around me and we were just fine...then we looked at each other just sort of observing each other and then I see him look at my I got startled...he started leaning into me and grabbed my shoulder pulling me in...and I knew what was happening but we were in a classroom FULL of people! I mean we were in the back but we were directly facing the teacher! So... as he’s pulling me in I FREAK OUT I WASN’T ready!! So I jump into my best friend she saw the whole thing and started laughing! I was almost crying! It was SO OVERWHELMING! I was so surprised! He got upset and just kind of looked away! I was so EMBARRASSED!! (That was the day before turkey day break) and he didn’t talk to me for a week😁 we were fine afterward but OMG?! Anyone else got a story??