Semen analysis

Stacey • Wife. TTC baby #1 since March 2012. Ivf cycle #1 August 25th 2017(failed). IVF cycle #2 January 2018 (3 frosties). FET March 2018. BFP 3/27/18. Due 12/03/18 born 11/30/18. Natural pregnancy #2 SURPRISE! BFP 10/26/2020.
So after finally getting to the doctor and having my initial battery of tests come back normal, I have managed to convince the hubs to go in to get checked. 
His appointment is tomorrow morning, and I gotta say, I'm nervous. We want an answer to why it's been taking so long, but if there's an answer that also means there's something officially wrong. 
I don't know which to hope for or where we'll go from here, but I'm ready to get it over with! Maybe this thanksgiving we can at least be thankful for some answers!