Getting ready for Clomid!

Erica • Married to my best friend 1/3/20 🥰💍 TTC Baby #1

Coming to the end of this cycle. It’s one I know I’m out of but this just wasn’t a good month and I knew we wouldn’t get to try. BUT! The one good thing from this month is that I had a good check up at the OB/GYN and my exam looked good and I requested a transvaginal ultrasound and it came out good as well. The tech said my ovaries are plump and have lots of follicles. My doc prescribed me 3 months of Clomid 50mg and I’m going to start on Day 3 of this coming cycle. I’m a little nervous but also insanely excited to have this boost. There’s no explained reason we haven’t conceived yet so I’m really hoping this is the answer. I’ve been trying to read other ladies’ stories as much as I can. Please feel free to share your experience, good or bad or that you are still trying. Support is nice to have and I am here for you ladies as well! I’d love to hear from you. Baby dust to all TTC!! ✨✨✨✨