Step daughter and I are oil and water

Gah, this drives me absolutely insane.

I have been in my step daughters life since she was 2 and her parents split custody 50/50. I absolutely love having a step daughter. Even though her mom is very present in her life she made room for me in her heart.

But over the past few years we are growing further and further apart. She is currently 14 and spoiled rotten. Her mom and step dad are VERY well off while my husband and I live paycheck to paycheck. Her mother just randomly bought her the PlayStation 5... ya know, even though Christmas is weeks away she thought this would be a “small” random gift. I also know her mother is getting her the new iPhone for Christmas too. Long story short, she gets what she wants and it is finally starting to show in her attitude. She constantly walks around our house telling us how we need new flooring, a new fridge, new lighting (recessed lights to be exact). She makes fun of my car, makes fun of my second hand clothes, and often reminds us how she would like us to buy a nicer house 🙄

I hate this entitled attitude she has and I have spoken to my husband about this multiple times. He doesn’t see anything wrong is very grateful that her mom can provide her with everything she wants... ahhhhhh!!!! Where is my sweet little girl?! The one who made me noddle bracelets or the one who painted me pictures. I feel like I have completely lost her and now I look forward to her going back to her moms rather than looking forward to her time with us 😓