Looking for some positive stories...

So I’m currently pregnant with my second- about 6.5 weeks. We are very excited and cautiously optimistic... Our first pregnancy ended at 16 weeks via termination due to chromosomal abnormalities that were first picked up on an NIPT test and then confirmed via CVS. I am actually feeling pretty good about this pregnancy- I don’t have a sense of dread like I did with our first— the pregnancy was textbook- but something just felt off. This time, I don’t feel that at all...but because of some PTSD- as the whole experience was Incredibly traumatic, I am already getting nervous about our upcoming ultrasound and then the NIPT that will follow. Any other mamas been through something like this? Got any positive stories? I know our abnormality was a total fluke— so that gives me hope... just need some encouragement. ❤️