Valid break up?

Firstly this is my first boyfriend and I’ve never had to break up with anyone. I’ve had a girlfriend before but she broke up with me but this was years ago.

My boyfriend and I have been together for almost two years now.

I truly truly was madly in love with him the first year we were together, honestly I could not see life without him.

But I don’t like how he can’t keep promises.. like everytime we say we’re going to talk about something important something always comes up where we have to put off the conversation. I’ve been more than patient because some things we have not put past us and it’s been MONTHS.

I should add we aren’t bitchy or resentful towards each other, even if we don’t have these talks we continue as if nothing was planned but that’s also what upsets me. I feel like I find these talks important and he doesn’t see them as a priority.

I have been contemplating breaking up with him every so often because my patience’s has grown thin. I don’t want to specify what the convos are about but they’re pretty big talks that I’ve mentioned are deal breakers to me.

He doesn’t have anyone though. He doesn’t have friends, the friend he did have dropped him bc all they liked to do was party and he stopped wanting to do that. He has so much stress due to taking care of family. I don’t want to leave him alone but I also don’t want to keep feeling unhappy to having to put off my own feelings for his when it feels like I’ve done it for so long

I truly love him and I know he loves me and he treats me right in every other way. Talking is hard for him though, and I simply don’t feel my needs are being met emotionally and those talks have to do with just that. Emotional intimacy.

My question is how do I break up with him and not feel guilty? Knowing he goes through a lot with his family every so often and the fact he doesn’t have many friends..?