Quick help


I had an emergency surgery on Saturday night I got my appendix removed. I was put on anesthesia and was given morphine and then percocet the next day. The morphine was given to me even though I clearly told them I only wanted ibuprofen or Tylenol and then the next day I ask for Tylenol was given Tylenol 6 hours later they gave me Percocet without my consent when I had asked for Tylenol only. I have been pumping and dumping and have not taken any meds they prescribed me Tylenol and codine but I am not taking that crap! I had asked the group of doctors when can I resume giving my baby fresh milk and they all told me different answers. 1 said i didn’t have to pump and dump even with Percocet in my system the other said no she has to dump for 24hours and the other said 48 hours.. anyone had to take these type of meds while nursing ? How long will it be in my system. My baby is 5 months old. I was lucky enough to have a freezer stash but he loves fresh milk. I’m tired of pouring milk down the drain. I also was given antibiotics through IV before and after surgery... all the doctors and nurses were aware that I am a lactating mother but obviously they don’t have all the answers.