Should conversations be arguments? Please read

My husband has grown into an argumentative type and it's becoming an issue talking to him about anything serious. I study politics and he studies economics, so whenever I try to talk to him about anything more serious, like what I think on taxes, the EU etc. He becomes argumentative and tries to win the argument, meanwhile I simply wanted to share MY OPINION.

It took a while for him to grasp my 'unusual' lifestyle, as in I can start or join in on a conversation about politics or economics just because I find the topic interesting and have my thoughts and opinions, not wanting to change someone else's opinion on the topic, which is what I define as a conversation and think of it as normal.

He on the other hand doesn't understand opinions as they are not founded by facts. It's not like I have uneducated opinions, but he would rather have me use credible sources as my facts during our conversations which is taking all of the fun out of a topic (we are married!). It's like he can't grasp the concept of a conversation.

If I read an interesting article online and try to talk to him to get his point of view he gets all argumentative like he knows everything and my 'opinions' are not the same as his facts and starts lecturing me on how opinions mean nothing compared to facts and how every conversation should be an argument (even though my opinions usually are based on facts).

Argumenting is not the same as arguing (we are okay otherwise).

Even his friend think that I am the weird one out.

Am I the weird one?

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