Potty training: advice on when to start?


My son will be 18 months December 25th.

For the past week or so he has started to announce when he is pooping by saying “poo” and pointing to his privates (sometimes he will say poo, but really he’s just farting lol). He will say pee as well and point. He has a potty I bought and a while back to just have in the house and I’ve always told him that is where he can poo or pee when he’s ready, I showed him how to sit on it etc., but he’s never gone in it.

Is it too early to start potty training? I was thinking of setting the potty up and when he says “poo” putting him on the potty 🤷‍♀️

Baby #2 is due March 2021 and I planned on just waiting until his 2nd birthday (June 2021) while I was on maternity leave to start some potty training but now I’m not too sure.