Nursing while pregnant question.


So I'm just wondering about this...if you are nursing your baby/toddler while your pregnant and say they dont wean before you have your next baby will your nipples be as sore as they were when you first started breastfeeding your baby/toddler as a newborn? Lol I'm currently still nursing my one year old and pregnant with our 4th baby. Although my one year old is the only baby I have nursed for a year we are weaning slowly as hes very attached to the boob..if anyone has some tips on weaning that would be great too! He wont use a pacifier but drinks out of a sippy fine we have been introducing him to whole milk and he drinks it fine. He still wakes to night feed like 3 times a night so I feel it's more or a comfort thing at this point. Theses sleepless nights are taking there toll on me. Lol but I'm so glad we have made it this far!