How did you

How did you overcome family like if you had difficult parents

Maybe trauma in your past

How did you not let your parents ruin yourself

Like there have been parents that drove adult children have depression etc. Because of how the parents treatment

How do you guys make it in life

How did you land on your feet

There's this controversial thing that parents kick children out at 18 I think its wrong like parents aren't acting like parents just damaging people and having displacement anger and going through the motions.

How is it possible that there are good parents out there? I've heard of wonderful mothers that's true but fathers Nope I hear there hands off kids raise themselves dads only there to pay bills and grumble discipline.

I hate lousy parents that ruin a whole entire person because they wouldn't go to parenting classes get counseling therapy

Those parents that take their anger out on kids calling them names and resentment for them being alive and having to take care of them not live their lives well it was there responsibility no children equals pull out or adoption, abortion, morning after pill, contraception, tubes tied, vasectomy it is the parents fault the child is innocent the least you can do if you decided not to let someone adopt is too raise them. Do everything you can to make sure they aren't as damaged as you.

Man I think everyone needs therapy

Why do adults mess up so bad

Especially grown adults how is it possible they don't know how to have a conversation with their adult child teach them be a support system a parent

Breaking hearts people feeling rejected etc because of their parents

Even boyfriend's or girlfriends ripping people apart like they saw there parents treat each other