Ultrasound Monday11/30, Bleeding Wednesday PM


So I’m supposed to be 7+2 today. I went for Ultrasound Monday (11/30) and there was a sac, embryo and heartbeat. I measured at 6+1. I asked for the early appointment after having brown/light red spotting from last Thursday through Sunday. So Monday night, I was feeling a little more confident. Spotting even stopped through Wednesday morning.

But then Wednesday night (12/2), I started to have period level cramps and heavy back pain. Then from 9:30pm-1am I was bleeding and I passed a large clot. (Also gastrointestinal issues). I have stage IV endometriosis and It all just felt like my period. 😔.

After 1am, the bleeding slowed...and it’s only when I wipe now. But I’m so freaked that I miscarried. Anyone with experience like this and things were okay? Or should I be prepared for worst at my appointment tomorrow? 😞