Kinda hurt about this??

So I just vented and cried to my boyfriend about work. It’s just been a day. Cried a lot. He comforted me, and put his arm around me. I thanked him and said “I feel like we haven’t been intimate lately, and you haven’t been as affectionate.” Like we have barely cuddled, kissed, or done anything remotely sexual in a while (and we live together). So I was kinda upset about it. And I’ve told him that before too and he apologized. I said he didn’t have to apologize, I just feel like I need more affection since nothing has been happening lately.

So as his arm was around me today, after I said it he goes “am I supposed to do something now?” Like boy...😂PLEASE? It’s been a while? But the way he said it was so weird. So I was like “I mean you’re not *supposed* to do anything.”

And guess what, big shocker.

He didn’t do anything. Not even a kiss.

Why do I feel so unlovable rn.

Edit; the point is I am TIRED of taking the initiative!! Every time!! I always do. He never does. If I took the initiative it would defeat the purpose because that’s what I don’t want!!