
Today is week three since I started Invisalign to help correct an overbite and to fix the gap in my front teeth that was caused by trauma due to the overbite. I HATE THEM! I know in 2 years I’ll be happy with the results but for now they are driving me crazy. I never had braces as a kid, my teeth were always pretty straight - all of these issues just developed over the past couple years. I hate brushing my teeth 4-6 times a day depending on when I eat. I hate the way it has my teeth sitting to try to correct my overbite. I hate the tension in my jaw that has also created. Twice I’ve left for work and forgot to put them in after brushing my teeth so I had to turn around and go home. There’s so many more things that have been driving me crazy. Like I said I’m sure when I’m done, I will love the results but wanted to vent in case someone else has gone through this and can relate.