

I feel so bad for small businesses right now. As much as I would love to support small business- it is so expensive.

I wanted to buy things on Etsy for my sons stocking stuffers but my goodness. I have to pay $6+ dollars on shipping for something that costs $10 dollars! Or something like a beanie for a toddler is $30??? Like who has that kind of money- and if they do, I hope they are shopping small!

It’s just frustrating because I want to shop small but good golly it’s difficult. That being said, maybe I could buy one or two items from small businesses but man, I feel bad. Same with groceries where I live (WA). The local chains here are much more expensive than places like Walmart.

It’s all very frustrating. My husband and I have worked really hard to be debt free, especially in an area where the cost of living is ridiculously expensive. But in saying that, we need to live within our means which unfortunately means buying a lot from Walmart and amazon. UGH.