What is this

So with this covid we are having trouble with groceries my mother lives with us we went she said wait in the car I will go and at the end closing a lady said do you want a box I said yes she put it in the car. So my mother is stingy hides food and I told her everything is for the household we will share divided everything equally.

I'm putting things in the refrigerator and I tell her hand over the butter she says it's her that I have my own in the box so I empty the box there is no cheese no butter and then I tell her see there's nothing in the box, tell her hand over the butter to put it in the refrigerator she says no, I tell her we talked about this in the car that everything is for everyone in the house put the butter in the refrigerator and she starts saying horrible things like because you do this you're not likable for wanting everyone to share not just her having everything to herself.

It's every time we go to a food pantry I tell her its for the household not everything is for yourself

I think she's being a bitch

She thinks I'm being a bitch

Who is wrong?

There would of been no argument if she just put everything away in the refrigerator, pantry can use it whenever.

If I let it go then I feel like a push over have to say yes to everyone to make everyone happy instead of doing the right thing what I believe is right I sacrifice my happiness to comply fulfil the needs of someone who is wrong.

She doesn't get it what can I tell her so she understanding that when we buy food or get donations its shared in the house.