Is this weird?

***since people automatically assume the worst šŸ™„ I wasnā€™t not saying heā€™s allowed to have friends as in Iā€™m ā€œdoing him a favorā€ grow up. I meant it as I donā€™t care who he is friends with. We have trust in our relationship and I donā€™t suspect anything weird as in him cheating.

My husband is allowed to have whatever friends he wants. I trust him and I donā€™t think itā€™s weird in a way where I think he cheating or anything like that. (Not that type of post)

He has a friend at work that heā€™s close with now. Weā€™ve had him and his girlfriend over for dinner once. We all got along great. No issues. I like them both. We donā€™t really talk though. Iā€™d like to but I donā€™t think sheā€™s interested in being friends.

My husband and the girlfriend text every so often. Usually about her bf (my husbandā€™s friend) but I feel left out. Like they all three can talk and be friends but Iā€™m just kind of excluded. I donā€™t know why. They donā€™t have kids but we do. Iā€™m a SAHM. I feel like thatā€™s a big reason Iā€™m excluded but it sucks lol Iā€™m an adult. I shouldnā€™t care about any of that. It just sucks seeing my husband get to have the social life Iā€™d like to be apart of. I donā€™t want him to be miserable too. I just want to also be happy and have friends.

* I DID try to be more present in their friendship..

*also, my husband will go visit them and hang out but never asks if I or the kids would like to go. Yes Iā€™m aware of covid but they work together and are around each other constantly