To all my girls

Meghan • Mother to Penelope 7/31/16
Does anyone else want to throat punch people who say: 
"It will happen when it happens, don't worry" 
"once you stop trying it will just happen"? 
I'm at my wits end! For someone struggling with 50+ day cycles, I can't just "breathe" and get pregnant. Some of us need to follow our temps, CM & cervical position. Some of us need our OPKs and always second guess if they are accurate. Some of us need medications, injections and IUIs. Some of us cry every month when we get the wicked witch or when we see that dreaded BFN. Feeling like everyone around you is getting pregnant. Some of us have had the happy BFP be ripped away from us with a chemical pregnancy or a miscarriage. Leaving our cycles to feel like they will never be he same again. 
My heart goes out to all you girls (myself included) that feel broken, or that something is wrong with you. There isn't!
For those that struggle to achieve what they want, we will appreciate the happy days more when they finally come. 
Maybe this will make us better moms, more appreciative of the little things. More understanding when we are barely sleeping at night with a screaming infant. Loving our stretch marks more and our completely changed bodies as being totally worth it. Not caring about the baby puke in our hair, or the milk stains on our clothes. All because we finally have our little miracle. 
I believe we all deserve to be happy and right now it's okay to be scared, feel hopeless and vent freely to those that are willing to listen (like I am now). 
It's not the easy pregnancy stories that are the ones worth telling, it's the ones where we pick ourselves up each month after we've struck out again and again, and continue to fight through the hard times that become legendary.