I want to take my daughter's father to court

So I have an amazing 2 year old girl who was born with a disability. I absolutely love her, she's the light of my life❤️ I broke up with my daughter's father after she turned a year old because he was toxic.. we weren't good for each other. We fought all the time and he wasn't faithful. I didn't want my daughter raised around that, I removed her and I from the situation.

Ever since then, her dad has been begging me not to take him to court because he can't afford it. At first we came up with a civil agreement, (nothing signed or notorized) he would pay me child support, I would have full custody of our daughter, but he would get her every other weekend. So this had started November 2019. So mind you I had explained that my daughter has a disability, I care for all of her medical necessities, her therapies, i have her covered under insurance ect. Things were okay at first we were civil and making it work.

(Side note-When covid started he didn't see his daughter for 3 months, more did he pay child support for those 3 months. )

However now it's becoming an issue, his whole family got covid and I wasn't about to send my daughter there. They have a household of 8-10 people so I kept my daughter from going there for a bout a month since not everyone could go get tested. Even if her dad isn't seeing her he's still supposed to pay child support (to help with her basic necessities). Which he refused to do so he said I was "with-holding" his child from him.

So since we are no longer civil and no longer in agreement I would rather serve him with child support and actually go to court to get full custody. I just have no idea where to begin the process because getting an attorney is just out of my price range especially after just moving.

There's definitely other reasons that come into play of why I want to take him to court. So I really don't want nasty comments. I just need to know what kind of steps I need to take in order for me and my daughter not to get screwed over by my baby daddy, because my daughter deserves sooo much more than that. TIA