**TTC Baby #2 Questions/Advice**


Okay a little backstory first... My husband and I tried for 3 years to “create” (lol) our daughter. We did end up having to go to the doctor and I was put on 150mg clomid and 5mg ferma (sp?) and I got pregnant from that mix. We were SUPER lucky to have all of our fertility appointments covered by insurance the first time around but because of a change of job resulting in loosing our insurance and our local hospital policies I won’t be able to have the same treatment plan at this time.

So saying all that, we have been trying for a year now and I’m done with the “just letting it happen” method. I’m looking for all the natural ways to track/boost the chances of conception. What helped you? How did you track ovulation? Do you have any helpful advice? I’ve been looking at tracking temperatures, do I need a special thermometer? Should I start writing all the data down? Also they diagnosed me with PCOS when we were TTC my daughter, I don’t agree with that diagnosis but is there anything I can specifically do to help me based on that diagnosis? I’ve tried some supplements specifically for PCOS with little to no change in anything.

I want to know all the things. Thank you so much in advance!! I want my baby. ❤️😭