Do you ever feel stuck in a marriage that you no longer want to be in?

My marriage has had its ups and downs but at this point I feel like I want out. I don’t want my toddler to have divorced parents, but I also know it’s not healthy for her to see us fighting all the time. We are constantly bickering- almost daily. I’m just so fed up, but it makes sense to stay together for a lot of reasons.. financial for one. I would feel guilty with us paying two separate mortgages when that money could be used for college savings. Household tasks like taking out the trash, hanging tv, putting up Christmas lights... easier with him around. Parenting... we both work full time so it would be difficult trying to raise a toddler in two separate households and commuting all the time. I tell myself to suck it up and try to live with him, a person that I don’t love and can’t stand, Bc things are easier that way. I keep telling myself to bite my tongue and just learn to ignore him, but it’s easier said than done. My emotions get the best of me. I guess some days are good. I forget about everything Bc I don’t want to be sad. I see the joy in my toddlers face when we get family time and things are going well. I pretend like everything’s okay, and it goes well for a little while. But it always creeps back in. The second something goes wrong, all of my emotions and negative thoughts just flood through my mind. I feel like I’m just counting down the days until my toddler is older so that we can divorce and I can move on with my life.

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