Just wanted to get OPK thoughts?


So I had two miscarriages one in December 2019 at 7weeks and one may 26th 2020 at 12 weeks. Kinda weird September October and November I got positive HCG tests at 9/10 dpo. The. 11 negatives. And of course my period starting. I am 38 years old and have 3 teenagers which I had no problem conceiving. When I had my last miscarriage all kinds of tests were taken and my levels are normal. My Dr is not concerned about me conceiving but for some reason they are not sticking. So this round I started raspberry leaf tea from the start of my period this month and stoped as soon as I got my dark peak. This is to strengthen my uterus lining. Then yes I got suckered in and tried Mucinex and boy does that make a slippery difference even tho I did. Have those issues to start with. To add last month I did use preseed. To be honest I am game for trying other methods. I read that raspberry leaf can cause ovulation to come a little earlier. Luckily we started early BD. I know once you get a positive OPK stop! But I had to make sure I didn’t miss anything as my ovulation was not supposed to be till Friday. Any thoughts on why my OPKs are going back up? It’s crazy to think with my other three kids it just happened and I didn’t have to do all this OPK and checking CM. I was clueless. I am remarried now and my hubby is 31 not sure if that matters. I just wanted to get some thoughts.