Pregnant? Or crazy hormones.

Alexandra • 20 • Canadian • cutiepatootie
So, I started birth control about three months ago now and stopped after 6 weeks as I was getting 'break through bleeding' every day almost with a day or two in between to 3-4 days in between for about 3 weeks. They were never regular period-like bleeding so was that considered my period or not? Because 9 days ago I was supposed to start my period and it hasn't started. Also my boobs are crazy sore which never happens to me when a period is coming or late. 
Crazy hormones from going on birth control then stopping.. Or pregnant? 
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The only way to know is to take a test.


Lindsey • Nov 26, 2015
You can take a test two weeks after


Alexandra • Nov 26, 2015
Is it late enough to take a test