😢Baby Blues ?


FTM. 2 weeks PP. I always heard moms say they miss their bellies or miss being pregnant. And I just related to it as oh I miss being 21. But now 2 weeks out I miss my belly so much it brings me to tears. I realize when I still had my baby boy in my belly I was never alone. Never felt alone. It was always Us not just me anymore. I know I have him here now which is better than being pregnant and I love seeing him everyday but I miss being pregnant. Even putting on Pjs that I worse while pregnant makes me cry. At night I try to hold my belly like I use to while pregnant but nothings there. And to think that 2 weeks ago I was on this app anxiously waiting to go into labor. Anticipating many sign of labor. And now here I am wishing I had taken more pictures of my belly. Or wishing I had taken a moment during labor to look down at my belly for the last time and say goodbye.