Baby flipped to breech at 38 weeks?

Bex • Life...uh...finds a way 🦖

This entire pregnancy, he's been heading down. I went to L&D at 37 weeks for consistent contractions and was 1cm dilated 30% effaced but -4 station. 38 week appointment comes and still 1cm dilated and quite high up but the midwife found his heartbeat to the left at level of my belly button instead of in my pelvis like it's always been. She scheduled an ultrasound on Christmas <a href="">eve</a> to see if he's breech. I'll be 39 weeks at that day. How can this happen? Is it possible that he's not actually breech but because he's moved so high up (-4) that I'm hearing the heartbeat much higher than I'm used to? If he's breech, is there anything I can do?

This pregnancy has been rife with complications and this was the one thing that has been ok and now that's not even going right. I'm so upset. I don't do well with anesthesia so I do not want a c-section plus my SO can't be with me if I have a c-section so I go through this alone thanks to fucking Covid.