Weight gain/ confusion/ pregnancy advice!

Shelby • 24 | Nurse | Wife 💍 | One amazing little boy born 1/28/21 💙

Does anyone else have weeks where they didn’t gain weight or only 1/2 pounds then weeks where it seems like a bigger weight gain occurs for

no reason? I haven’t had any diet changes, I’m very active, and I’m on my feet for 12 hours a day / atleast 3 days a week. Last week I only gained 2 pounds in the 2 weeks from my doctors appt , this week I’ve gained like 3.5 already with only eating how I typically do and I don’t eat extra or overeat?

I’m 32 weeks with a possible slight change in due date coming due to a bigger size of baby and how my belly is measuring ahead. I’ll be induced at 37/38 weeks due to gestational hypertension but I’m starting to freak out when today’s weight puts me at 35-36 pounds gained when I’m not overeating?! I was given a healthy weight gain of 25-35 pounds for the pregnancy but I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong!? 😫