How is it that a 3.5 month old sleeps maybe 3 hours max in total for naps ALL DAY & then is up and down literally ALL NIGHT. LIKE DAMN ARENT YOU TIRED?!?! I’m so tired of this man I’m sorry I love my kids but good Lord I feel like I’m gonna snap! As soon as I lay down to try & rest he wakes right up & absolutely refuses to go back to sleep for an hour or more. It’s just been this vicious cycle since they day he was born. Up down up down for literal hours.

Everyone else baby was 2 days old & sleeping 33 hours (im exaggerating🙄) but definitely more than my child. I just cannot do this anymore AND of course thanks to the wonderful pandemic I can’t just hand him off to someone for a week & say hey here’s my kid I’m going to sleep bye 🙄🙄🙄 I’ve wasted money on that ridiculous nested bean sleep sack that ain’t even really weighted enough for anybody....i have googled googled everything I can...gotten tips from taking cara babies & all the other sleep consult people on IG. (I can’t afford to spend money on those sleep courses cause I’m broke & they more than likely won’t work for him anyway smhhhh)

He’s teething & not even the so called calming soothing teething tablets help. Nothing works for him. No swaddle. He doesn’t wanna be rocked to sleep so I put him down then he still fusses feed him 6 oz bottles all day long tried oatmeal. IVE PRAYED PRAYED PRAYED😭😭NOTHING WILL MAKE THIS CHILD SLEEP AT NIGHT SO I CAN SLEEP AND NOT BE SO EXHAUSTED AND UPSET AND DRAINED. I HAVE NO PATIENCE FOR HIM OR MY OTHER CHILD THATS 3 YEARS OLD BECAUSE I HAVE NOT SLEPT IN LIKE 6 MONTHS. THANK GOD MY HUSBAND IS GETTING HIS BALLS SNIPPED IN A FEW DAYS CAUSE I WILL NOT GO THRU THIS EVER AGAIN. PERIOD

UPDATE - So the little dude has his first tooth that pushed its way all the way thru...probably during the wee hours while I was fuming typing this the first time lol ugh now we wait for the second one which is like right there & MAYBE then we’ll get some sleep?!?!? But oh wait 4 month sleep regression will undoubtedly show up & then all hell is really gonna break loose so nevermind🙄I’ll never sleep proper again. Not sure why he gotta be grown & start teething & getting teeth all early smh this boy...he will be 4 montht old Sunday...anyway Just wanted to update y’all tho🤷🏽‍♀️