My boyfriend doesn’t help with anything

Ugh I’m in such a bad mood right now, I’m so sick of being in a relationship with a man child, seriously. I work a full time job and parent our two young children. He works a minimum wage job because he likes it and it’s easy, not because he can’t find anything else, he had a better job and chose to leave it because he found it hard. He doesn’t help around the house what so ever. Never cooked a meal in the 7 years we’ve been together, never helps with the cleaning or even offered to help despite me mentioning to him many times that I am feeling so overwhelmed and would love some help, how I vowed to never be a “housewife” or let a man make me feel like cooking and cleaning was my job yet here I am. I’m not a happy person anymore, I’m overwhelmed, I’m resentful toward my boyfriend, I’m always angry now, I’ve gained a ton of weight, I’ve completely lost who I was and who I am, I feel like I don’t even know who I am anymore. I don’t enjoy things, I don’t look forward to anything or get excited anymore, I never really feel overly happy or anything and it sucks. I can’t tell if I’m depressed and that’s why I’m so angry with my boyfriend or if he is the one making me angry and depressed.

Sorry for the rant, I am just having a rough day.