Need help/advice for reflux :(


Sorry in advance for the long post, I just want to give you all the details and perhaps somebody could help me. My baby is almost 4 month old, I'm EBF and for the last month she has been acting really fussy during and after feedings.

During days, 2-3 minutes after she starts eating, she squirms and cries and refuses to eat, I hold her vertically to burp, sometimes she burps, sometimes she doesn't, sometimes she spits up. She then calms down and I try to feed her more, and 2-3 minutes later the same happens. After that she just cries if I try to feed her more, so I just hold her vertically for 15-20 minutes. 1-2 hours later she is hungry again and this all continues.

This has been very exhausting for me physically, as all I do all day long is trying to feed her and then holding her vertically so she keeps at least some milk in her tummy, which doesn't even always work as sometimes she vomits it out. I feed in a side-lying position so getting up and down from bed 100 times per day is not fun. I tried to feed in semi-reclined position, but I didn't notice any difference.

It's also very hard psychologically, as my milk is supposed to be the best thing for my baby, but watching how it just makes her cry in pain is heartbreaking. It makes me think how easier life would be with formula, but perhaps it's not true, I never tried it and I'm afraid I'll regret if I stop breastfeeding, I was hoping to do it for a year.

From all this I figured she has acid reflux, but the weird thing is that during night feedings this doesn't happen at all. She sleeps through most of the night feedings, eats for about 10 minutes every 2-3 hours and continues sleeping with no burping required. I feed in exactly the same position during nights as during days.

Can acid reflux only affect babies during the day? Does anybody have any advice or share their experience in similar situation?

I called a nurse a couple of weeks ago and the doctor today, and they both just said it's common, just hold her upright more and that they can't give any medicine to such a young baby. Also I heard that babies grow out of it, but I'm not sure how much longer I can breastfeed like this 😥

And regarding weight gains, she's been gaining not too much, but still enough to pass the minimum monthly gain, so that's why the doctor says just to wait it out...