All I want for Christmas....


All I want for Christmas is for her to stop thrashing like a beached great white shark while I’m trying to change her diaper!!!

FFS 🤦🏽‍♀️

Please send advice on how to change a diaper on a one year old. I’m so f’ing fed up I just leave her wet. She does it no matter if I change a wet or poop diaper. I’m done. Daddy changes her THE ONE OBLIGATORY DIAPER CHANGE he does every few days.... not a sound, no thrashing, nothing.

(Side note: I change up giving her stuff to fidget with etc and nothing works she throws it!! Even contraband stuff I don’t usually let her hold/touch).

You guys.... I am NOT cut out to be a mom. I made it a year. I want to throw in the fricken towel. I’m done. 😔😞 they say with age you have more patience. I turned 39 right after I had her, and can I say that is a fucking MYTH!! Bullshit. 😒